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Final Submission

Please follow the instructions step by step very carefully to assure smooth submission of your paper(s) to IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.

1. In acceptance emails from the program chair, authors are provided with written comments from peer reviewers. All comments should be addressed thoroughly, as acceptance is conditional upon appropriate responses to the reviewers' comments. Authors must comply with IEEE policy against duplicated submissions: authors with duplicated submissions will be black-listed and prohibited from submissions to future conferences and journals.

2. Authors should ensure that their final papers are IEEE Xplore compliant, otherwise the papers will not be submitted to IEEE Xplore or EI/ISTP. IEEE PDF eXpress Plus is a free service to allow authors to generate IEEE Xplore-compliant PDF files or to check PDF files that authors have created themselves for IEEE Xplore compliance. Hence you must either generate the PDF file of your final paper using IEEE PDF eXpress Plus or check the PDF file of your file paper at IEEE PDF eXpress Plus.

3. To access IEEE PDF eXpress Plus, go to ieee-pdf-express.org . For detailed instructions for accessing and using the IEEE PDF eXpress Plus, click here(Note that the conference ID is 64163X).The following browsers are recommended to use IEEE PDF eXpress Plus®: Internet Explorer 6.0 and higher

4. Please note that IEEE PDF eXpress Plus is NOT a paper submission system. After you have generated PDF files or checked your PDF files using IEEE PDF eXpress Plus, you must submit your PDF file to the conference submission system.

5. Final papers MUST be submitted by the date specified in the acceptance email. Any papers submitted after this date run the risk of not being included in the conference proceedings. The paper must be re-submitted even if the reviewers indicated that no changes are required.

6. Please visit http://www.cisp-bmei.cn/submission/author/ecf.php and complete the required steps. Then follow the link and complete copyright transfer at the IEEE website. You will receive a copyright transfer confirmation email from IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE). If you have more than one paper accepted, please submit IEEE Copyright Form for each paper via these steps. This is very important, since the IEEE will not be able to publish your paper or submit your paper for indexing without your copyright transfer.